Friday, December 7, 2012

BBM 101

The rate at which technology advances is so fast that if one is not careful, one will be living in the past. It’s amazing what those little devices can help you to achieve.
I once listened to a guy who said if you do not own a laptop, tablet, ipad, iphone or a Smartphone or all in this century, you are old school. Well, with all the beautiful features and amazing applications these devices possess, it is also imperative to know the strains they can cause if not well managed.
Many relationships, academic pursuit, deadlines and achievements have been suffering as a result of the overly undue attention given to these devices for pleasure. I’m particular about the “BB”, yea, Blackberry; it’s no longer news that a lot of people ranging from students to working class and even the retired ones own one. It’s no longer alarming to see a 10 year old flaunt a blackberry these days and believe me, you’ll be surprised they can use it more effectively than you can. Uberfacts tweeted that’ a class boy/girl sends and receives an average of 3 text messages in every class.’ You can imagine how many notifications that will be received with a BB. Hence teachers, lecturers and tutors have become mere objects in the classrooms and at the end of the day; the students are barely knowledgeable of the subjects taught in class. Only a few will even make use of the BB to get “on the go” information and further findings on what’s taught or for assignments.

Relationships are threatened these days because attention and communication between friends, partners and the likes have been shifted to BBM. A guy was not happy because his wife has been so busy with her BB pinging her marriage away, with customers in the name of being a marketer. Imagine returning from work to be welcomed by a pinging wife/ husband who can’t even stand to give u a hug/kiss. The call time during working hours is replaced with pinging activities. Children are also a victim of this; they can no longer play and talk with mummy about what happened in school and about their friends because she’s so busy these days. All she says is “we’ll talk about it later” and later never comes.
Singles no longer take time to talk to their friends, and when there’s time to talk, they barely hear what’s said and respond with monosyllables. Whatever happened to happy relationships, the laughs, the sobs, shoulders to lean on and cry on, the tickles and the likes! A girlfriend of mine came visiting for 3 days and we barely had time to talk like we used to because she was too busy with her BB I had to repeat some gists more than once cause she was not in my world. Even in church, people find it so easy to put God aside by pinging away. Whatever happened to honour and respect!
Guess we’ve got a lot of distractions already, should we allow "unmanaged blackberried” activities put more strain on the cherished and valued people in our lives and activities. Guess it’s high time we all took the course “BBM 101” – Blackberry Management and come out with an A. Carry over can be dangerous.

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